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Unlocking Global Growth
The Canada Intra Company Transfers (ICT) program presents an opportunity for visionary international business owners aiming to expand into Canada. Operating under the International Mobility Program, this pathway facilitates skilled overseas entrepreneurs in relocating their businesses to Canada, offering potential not only for a work permit but also for eventual Canadian permanent residence. Often, this avenue extends to the applicant’s spouse for an open work permit and their children for a study visa.
Seamless Expansion in Foreign Seas
This program serves as a temporary bridge, enabling foreign companies to deploy capable employees to Canada, fostering managerial efficiency, boosting exports, and enhancing competitive prowess in global markets. The Canada ICT Visa also acts as a channel for skilled international professionals to engage with affiliated Canadian companies, bringing skilled workforce to the country. Eligibility criteria require candidates to possess a year’s managerial experience within the company or up-to-date expertise in the business’s products or services.

Why Choose Canada ICT Program

Seamlessly extend your business to the thriving Canadian market, tapping into its robust economy and diverse opportunities.

Gain a work permit to oversee your expanded Canadian operations, enabling hands-on management and strategic involvement.

The ICT program serves as a stepping stone to Canadian permanent residency, allowing you to establish a long-term presence in the country.

Transfer key managerial personnel to enhance operational efficiency, optimize workflows, and elevate your business performance.

Strengthen your competitive edge in international markets by gaining insights from operating within Canada's diverse business landscape.

Access Canada's rich business network, fostering partnerships, collaborations, and innovation in a global business hub.

Connect with skilled international professionals through the ICT program, enriching your Canadian team with global perspectives and expertise.

The Canada Intra Company Transfers (ICT) program offers a host of compelling advantages for international business owners seeking to expand their operations. By opting for this program, entrepreneurs can benefit from:

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Who Is Eligible?

The Canada Intra Company Transfers (ICT) program extends its opportunities to three distinct categories of skilled foreign workers:

If you're an entrepreneur or business owner with substantial experience, this program welcomes your aspiration to extend your enterprise to Canada. Shareholders who currently hold executive positions within their company and plan to continue these roles in Canada are eligible under this category.

For senior managers and functional managers working in an overseas company, who intend to undertake analogous roles in Canada, the ICT program offers an avenue to facilitate your expertise and leadership within the Canadian market.

Individuals who hold pivotal roles in a successful business organization and possess unique and advanced knowledge in their field can also seek eligibility for this visa. This category recognizes the significance of specialized skills in contributing to Canada's business landscape.

To ascertain your eligibility and initiate the process for Canada Intra Company Work permits, our consultants in the UAE stand ready to assist you.

Application Process

To embark on this journey towards Canadian immigration through the Canada ICT work permit, ensure each step is meticulously executed.

Register your company in Canada, designating it as a parent, affiliate, or subsidiary of your home company.

Craft a comprehensive business plan outlining a profitable operation in Canada. This plan should encompass hiring projections and cash flow estimates aligned with industry standards for the subsequent 2-3 years.

Gather all required documents, including bank statements, proof of investment funds, articles of incorporation, and more, to prepare a complete and well-organized work permit application.

Submit your work permit application, encompassing the prepared documents and information. Await a decision from the relevant authorities.

The application process can vary based on your nationality. Some countries have agreements with Canada that may facilitate a smoother immigration journey under the ICT, granting citizens more streamlined pathways.

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