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Canada Immigration Express Entry

Calling all Canada immigration hopefuls! February 2024 wrapped up with a surprise draw on the 29th, adding another exciting chapter to the 2024 Express Entry story. Here at TVG Migration, we’re here to break down the details and what it might mean for your Canadian immigration journey, along with some insights to help you strategize your application.

A Look Back at February’s Express Entry Activity:

February 2024 was a banner month for express entry next draw, with a total of six draws conducted. This signals Canada’s strong focus on fulfilling its immigration targets and welcoming skilled newcomers. The last week of February offered a unique doubleheader, with draws on both February 28th and 29th.

  • February 28th Draw: A general draw with a minimum CRS score of 534. This was a relatively high cut-off compared to recent draws, indicating an increase in the pool of high-scoring candidates.
  • February 29th Draw (Special Draw): This surprise draw targeted candidates with strong French language proficiency and a significantly lower minimum CRS requirement of 336. This is excellent news for French-speaking individuals seeking permanent residence in Canada.

Understanding CRS Score:

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is a points-based system that determines your ranking in the Express Entry pool. Candidates are ranked based on factors like age, education, work experience, language skills, and skilled trades experience. A higher CRS score generally translates to a better chance of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for Canadian permanent residence.

Breaking Down the Leap Year Draw:

The targeted draw on February 29th is a clear signal of Canada’s ongoing efforts to attract French-speaking immigrants. French is one of Canada’s two official languages, and French-speaking populations are concentrated in certain provinces like Quebec.  By inviting French speakers with a lower CRS requirement, the government aims to address regional labor shortages and promote bilingualism in the country.

What This Means for You:

  • French Speakers: 

If you have strong French language abilities and meet the eligibility criteria for Express Entry (work experience, education, etc.), this is a golden opportunity! Consider optimizing your Express Entry profile to highlight your French language skills and certifications. TVG Migration’s immigration consultants can help you develop a strategic approach to maximize your chances of an invitation in future French-targeted draws.

  • Non-French Speakers: 

Don’t be discouraged! General draws, like the one on February 28th, continue to happen alongside targeted draws. Stay focused on keeping your Express Entry profile up-to-date with the latest information and language test scores.

How to Stay Informed and Take Action:

The Express Entry system can be dynamic, with draw requirements and selection processes evolving over time. Here are some steps you can take to stay informed and give yourself the best shot at success:

  • Subscribe to TVG Migration Updates: 

We closely monitor Express Entry developments and provide regular updates on upcoming draws, changes in immigration policies, and valuable tips for optimizing your Express Entry application.

  • Seek Expert Guidance: 

Navigating the intricacies of Express Entry can be complex. TVG Migration’s experienced consultants can assess your eligibility, recommend the best pathway for your unique situation, and guide you through the entire application process. We can also help you optimize your CRS score and develop a strategic approach to enhance your chances of receiving an ITA.

  • Proactive Profile Management: 

Regularly review your Express Entry profile and update it with any new information that might strengthen your CRS score, such as improved language test scores, additional work experience, or completion of further education.

Canada Express Entry Next Draw Prediction:

Predicting the exact date and CRS cut-off score of the next Express Entry draw is challenging. However, based on historical trends and recent draw activity, we can expect the next draw to occur sometime in mid-March 2024. The CRS cut-off score will likely depend on the number of candidates in the pool and their overall CRS scores.

canada express entry draw 2023 is actively seeking skilled immigrants to contribute to its growing economy. With the right preparation, informed strategy, and expert guidance from TVG Migration, you can turn your Canadian dream into a reality.

Contact TVG Migration today for a free consultation! We’ll help you understand your options, develop a personalised immigration plan, and take the first steps towards a bright future in Canada.


  • What was the CRS cut-off score for the February 28th draw?

The minimum CRS requirement for the February 28th general draw was 534.

  • What was the CRS cut-off score for the February 29th draw?

The February 29th draw targeted French speakers and had a lower CRS cut-off score of 336.

  • Why did Canada hold a draw specifically for French speakers?

Canada is aiming to attract French-speaking immigrants to address regional labor market needs and promote bilingualism.

Next Draw Predictions:

  • When is the next Express Entry draw expected?

While predicting the exact date is difficult, the next draw is likely to occur sometime in mid-March 2024.

  • What will the CRS cut-off score be for the next draw?

The CRS cut-off score will depend on the number of candidates in the pool and their overall CRS scores.


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